
Selected Coursework

I graduated from UC Berkeley with a double major in CS + Math.
I also took linguistics classes, which is one of my passions.
Below is a selection of courses that I took during my undergrad.
For course descriptions, follow me here!

Course Title
CS 61A Structure/Interpretation of Computer Programs
CS 61B Data Structures
CS 61C Machine Structures
CS 70 Discrete Mathematics and Probability Theory
CS 161 Computer Security
CS 164 Programming Languages and Compilers
CS 170 Efficient Algorithms and Intractable Problems
CS 188 Artificial Intelligence
CS 189 Machine Learning
EECS 126 Probability and Random Processes
EECS 127 Optimization Models in Engineering

Math 53 Multivariable Calculus
Math 54 Linear Algebra and Differential Equations
Math 104 Real Analysis
Math 110 Linear Algebra
Math 113 Abstract Algebra
Math 128A Numerical Analysis
Math 185 Complex Analysis
Stat 134 Concepts of Probability

Ling 100 Intro to Linguistic Science
Ling 120 Syntax and Semantics
Ling 220A Advanced Syntax

Talks I've Attended

I went to many interesting talks during my time in Berkeley.
For a selection of talks I attended, follow me here!